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Penetration Testing

Penetration testing, or pen-testing, is a proactive cybersecurity practice where simulated cyberattacks are conducted on a computer system, network or web application to identify and exploit vulnerabilities. The goal is to discover security weaknesses before malicious attackers can exploit them, providing insights to improve the organisation’s security posture.

network penetration testing

Why does it matter?

Pen-testing helps organisations to proactively identify and address security weaknesses, ensuring compliance, protecting sensitive data, managing risks, and improving overall security posture.

Things to know about Network Penetration Testing

Pen-testing is essential for various reasons:

  • Identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses before attackers can exploit them
  • Improve security posture by identifying and mitigating weaknesses by boosting defences
  • Ensure compliance and meet regulatory and industry standards, such as GDPR, PCI DSS etc.
  • Testing the efficacy of controls and systems currently in place to ensure a potential attack would be caught
  • Improve risk management by understanding potential impacts and prioritising remediation.
  • Demonstrate due diligence and proactivity to stakeholders, including customers and partners.

Pen-testing works systematically, moving through various key processes. This includes:

  1. Planning and Reconnaissance:
    • Determine what systems and areas will be tested
    • Collect data about the target through public sources (based upon use case)
  2. Scanning
    • Network Scanning: Use tools to identify open ports, services, and network vulnerabilities
    • Vulnerability Scanning: Analyse the target for known vulnerabilities using automated tools
  3. Exploitation:
    • Simulate Attacks: Attempt to exploit identified vulnerabilities to gain unauthorised access
    • Multiple Techniques: Use various methods such as injecting malicious code, bypassing authentication, or exploiting software bugs
  4. Post-Exploitation:
    • Assess impact, including  extent of access gained and the potential damage that could be caused
    • Document access levels achieved and data compromised to demonstrate the impact
  5. Reporting:
    • Provide a comprehensive report detailing the vulnerabilities found, exploitation methods used and the potential impact
    • Actionable recommendations for mitigating identified vulnerabilities and issues, to improve the overall security

The steps above may seem straightforward, a good pen-tester will be able to understand how to leverage multiple different (potentially low level) findings to achieve part of a larger objective.

When planning a pen-test, several critical factors must be considered to ensure the test is effective, comprehensive, and aligns with the organisation’s goals and regulatory requirements. Here are key considerations:

  1. Define Objectives and Scope
    • Identify what you aim to achieve (e.g. identifying vulnerabilities, testing incident response)
    • Determine which systems, networks, applications, and data will be included or excluded from the test
  2. Type of Test
    • Black Box: Testers have no prior knowledge of the system
    • White Box: Testers have full knowledge, including access to architecture and source code
    • Gray Box: Testers have partial knowledge of the system
  3. Compliance and Legal Considerations
    • Ensure the test meets industry standards and regulatory requirements (e.g. GDPR, PCI DSS)
    • Obtain necessary approvals and legal clearances to avoid unauthorised access issues
  4. Choosing the Right Team
    • Qualifications: Ensure testers have relevant certifications and experience (e.g. CEH, OSCP)
    • Trusted and Communicative: Ensure testers are reliable, trustworthy and clear, coherent communicators
  5. Risk Management
    • Impact Analysis: Assess potential risks and impacts of the test on live systems
    • Contingency Plans: Develop plans to mitigate any adverse effects during testing
  6. Communication and Coordination
    • Keep key stakeholders informed about the test plan, schedule, and objectives
    • Depending on the objective, inform relevant teams about the test to avoid false alarms and ensure cooperation
  7. Methodology and Tools:
    • Testing Methods: Decide on the methodologies (e.g., network scanning, social engineering, application testing)
    • Tools and Techniques: Choose appropriate tools for vulnerability scanning, exploitation, and reporting
  8. Timing and Schedule
    • Define the timeframe for the test, including start and end dates
  9. Post-Test Activities
    • Remediation: Develop a plan to address identified vulnerabilities
    • Re-testing: Schedule follow-up tests to ensure vulnerabilities have been effectively mitigated;
    • Review and Feedback: Conduct a review meeting to discuss findings, lessons learned, and areas for improvement
  10. Budget and Resources:
    • Allocate budget for the pen-test, including any tools and external expertise
    • Ensure the availability of necessary resources (e.g., personnel, technology) to support the testing process

By considering these factors, you can ensure that your pen-testing is well-planned, effectively executed, and provides valuable insights to enhance your organisation’s cybersecurity posture.


Minimise cost and maximise security

Detected vulnerabilities are of high or critical severity
0 %
Source: Edgescan 2024 Vulnerability Statistics Report
CVE vulnerabilities in 2023
Source: CVE

Our vulnerability management service has flexible, transparent pricing and can provide exceptional price/performance. You gain access to industry experts, using the most up-to-date security tools – no need to hire and train a costly in-house team, or pay for additional hardware and software licenses.

With certified PCI DSS Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) status, the managed service can be a single consolidated solution for both enterprise wide vulnerability management and specific PCI compliance scans.


Why choose Criticalis?

We put a lot of thought into our services, so you don’t have to. We will discuss what testing (if any) you have had before and the results. Together, we will identify which approach will yield the most beneficial output, drawing on the technical knowledge and experience of our expert team. 

“If I’d known the results in advance of the security analysis on our network, I would have taken half the time to instruct them and probably been willing to pay twice as much.”

IT Manager
Manufacturing Industry

Talk to one of our experts to find out more